Done in Painter IX. Graah~ This is so not my original concept ><>> Everything seems so much paler on it... so forgive me if I blind you guys... Damn damn damn I just can't seem to get the hang of painting! Everything I produce seems so forced, and the elements and colours don't seem to harmonize at all and wth is with the weird light source aaaaaaaa *brain melts*
P-pencil...pencil is still my bff T__T
geebus it's so pretty *O*
damnit domee, wait for me at cg will ya!
Oh come on~ You're already lightyears ahead of me XD Gotta catch up to you in life drawing! And painting! >8I
Familiar with the pencil is my BFF feeling, which says a bit about me. <_<.
I shalt paint soon... -_-...
And the painting still good, despite said flaws.
Thanks doodle :) I think i'm gonna crop it though~ I really hate that tree =_=
it is colourful though, you got all the colours of the spectrum in it haha. Has a nice children's book illustration feel to it
Thanks, Lee >_<; I kinda got carried away with the colouring...eheh.
ahh~! <3 They beauty it melts meee *w*
This picture is really beautiful. Really love the colours used and atmosphere of it all.
Awesome colors!
So many light, its great!
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